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MONITRAN MONITRAN传感器 MONITRAN编码器 MONITRAN配件 MONITRAN选型 上海航欧独家代理英国MONITRAN传感器,成立于1986年,是英国的首选振动传感器制造商。Monitran对速度计、机械保护和维修涡流探头的开发、生产和应用,使我们成为五大洲的相关行业工业商。Monitran的振动传感器,固定和移动监测系统及其辅助设备,如传感器,探头,转接器加速器探头驱动器和电缆组件等产品为您提供可靠,精确和成本效益的振动监测和测量。 Monitran产品通过ISO 9001:2008认证,Monitran的加速计用于监测,如水泵、电机、传感器、加速器、探头风机、发动机、探头驱动器、传动系统和机械振动等不同的应用范围。 常用型号: MTN/1185CM8-20 1185CMPG7-100 MTN/1185IC-50 MTN/1185-CM8-25F MTN/1185CQ-20 MTN/1185CM-25 MTN/EP080 MTN/1187-10 MTN/1187CM8-1/219 MTN/IEAIW-75 MTN/1185IC-20 IEIRG050 MTN/1187-10 MTN/1188Q-1 MTN/1120IHCF1/4 MTN/1185ICM-25 MTN/MH008 MTN/1185 MTN/1187 VM120 Page 1100 General purpose accelerometers for non-hazardous areas 4 1100 Submersible accelerometers 4 1100 Hazardous area accelerometers 4 1100 Hazardous area accelerometers for submersible operation 4 1100 Dual accelerometers with temperature output 5 1100 Series lightweight.small footprint accelerometers 5 1000 Series TNC connector accelerometers5 Voltage driven accelerometers for non-hazardous areas5 High temperature accelerometers 5 Velocity output accelerometers6 Ultra lightweight accelerometers for modal analysis 6 Triaxial accelerometers6 Low frequency accelerometers 7 Charge output accelerometers 7 1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output 8 1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output for submersible operation 8 1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output for hazardous area operation 8 8 1186 Series dual output velocity/AC acceleration 8 1186 Series dual output velocity/AC acceleration for submersible operation8 8 1188 Series dual output acceleration DC/AC 8 1181 Tri-output accelerometer8 Studs, adaptors, magnets.spikes, mounting tools9 & 10 Switch.connection boxes11 Junction boxes12 Vibration meters, kits.accessories13 Model 6000 12 channel monitor 14 Model 6050 4 channel monitor 14 Vibration switch15 410 & 415 Indicating vibration sensors15 Signal Conditioners15 Connectors, cable assemblies, diagnostic tools16 Probes, extension cables.drivers17 Monitran Limited, Monitor House, Hazlemere Road Penn, Buckinghamshire. HP10 8AD, UK Tel: +44 (0)1494 816569 Fax:+44 (0)1494 812256 info@shhangou.com Web Site: www.shhangou.com ACCELEROMETERS VELOCITY.ACCELERATION SHANGHAI HANGOU SALESS MONITORING SYSTEMS 1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output for submersible operation in hazardous areas 1187 Series acceleration shanghai hangou saless for non-hazardous.hazardous areas SWITCH, CONNECTION.JUNCTION BOXES MOUNTING ACCESSORIES ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES EDDY CURRENT PROBES.DRIVERS PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 2 of 18 March 2010 NOTES 1Cables: The standard length of integral cables is 5 shanghai hangou saleses. Unless specifically stated on your purchase order we will supply this length. Additional cable is available at the prices shown in the relevant section of the list. 2Mounting: Please specify the mounting required on your order. See the relevan


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