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  • 价格范围:电议或面议
  • 供应数量:1
  • 所在区域:江苏
  • 产品类别: 电机 >步进电动机
  • 发布时间:2015-11-20 03:04:33
ELECTRO ADDA的应用范围 制造业;钢铁产业;大型生产工厂;汽车;能源生产;海军工业;起重行业 意大利ELECTRO ADDA产品,如:ELECTRO ADDA三相异步电机|ELECTRO ADDA制动电机|ELECTRO ADDA防爆电机|ELECTRO ADDA滑环电机|ELECTRO ADDA汽车辊表|ELECTRO ADDA模块化汽车|ELECTRO ADDA三相异步发电机|ELECTRO ADDA水冷发动机|ELECTRO ADDA编码器 ELECTRO ADDA Electro Adda has been producing solely electric motors for every kind of industrial sector.special demanding applications for over 60 years. It represents an historical.influential reality which follows very precise values .d.developed by a family management which goes on nourishing a true passion towards this business. Electro Adda was founded in Lecco in 1948 as a craft workshop for the repair.construction of special low-power motors.subsequently in 1954 transformed into an industrial firm specialising in mechanics.electrotechnics with the name of Elettro-Meccanica Lecchese. From the outset the company has been capable of combining, within the same industrial context, the business intuition of its founders with the professional skill of its human resources,.the advantages offered by the technological progress with the care.attention to quality of its products. Thanks to this strict operating dialogue, the Company has witnessed a course of progressive development.has been able to distinguish itself for its capacity to meet even the most specific.diversified expectations of its Customers. Electro Adda is a business which succeeded in keeping a family type management, in line with its history.the industrial context . it was .d. At the same time, Electro Adda evolved into a modern international holding which avails itself of co-operating companies for production.trade throughout Europe. A large, modern organisation, accustomed to dialogue with the leading companies in their specific sector Electro Adda S.p.A.ELECTRO ADDA 电机 ELECTRO ADDA 电机-价格,ELECTRO ADDA 单相/三相电机,ELECTRO ADDA刹车电机,ELECTRO ADDA防爆电机,ELECTRO ADDA高频电机,ELECTRO ADDA变频器


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