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  • 所在区域: 广东
  • 价格范围: 电议
  • 发布日期: 2014-11-13 04:32:43
  • 有 效 期: 2014-12-11
  • 供应数量: 0
  • 晶源精密焊接设备有限公司
  • 联 系 人: 熊经理
  • 电  话: 86-769-22203929 86
  • 移动电话: 013549234016
  • 传  真: 86-769-22210222
  • 地  址: 广东省东莞市东城区柏洲边路88号


Network transformers module high-speed automatic spot welding machine

High-speed network module automatic spot welding transformer
Network transformer module market demand is very large, and increase productivity of the main bottleneck is that the transformer windings of the wire soldered to the input and output pins. Traditional process is typically labor-intensive operations, a large man-made uncertainties. Solder joints, and easily lead to short-circuit, many of the larger volume of business manufacturers of this part of the work is usually outsourced to another to complete the factory, so that there is more uncontrollable factors, such as quality management, delivery management, the number of management, product security, has also increased the cost of a lot of this can be avoided, such as transportation costs, materials costs of the loss of semi-finished products, products with the management of the cost of fully mechanized, semi-finished inventory backlog increase in the cost of funds.
If the automatic spot welding machine network transformer will solve these problems, the transformer winding around the well after the direct use of simple line card good fixture wire, card line speed is several times the speed of winding, automatic spot welding machine, welding redundant after the completion of the Automatic wire cut off, short-circuit the problem does not exist, will also minimize the level of man-made factors, the number of semi-finished goods inventory can be reduced to very low, product quality, delivery period, the number of delivery can control, change management products very simple. The machine by the inverter spot welding machine high-precision wire and one-dimensional automation platforms, automated by PLC control, servo motor to provide fast and accurate displacement, human-machine interface to facilitate programming flexibility to change aircraft types, welding speed of 0.25 seconds for each point .
The process is very mature and has helped a number of well-known enterprises into production, the customer! Free of charge to help customers into the production process.


广东 东莞 晶源精密焊接设备有限公司 http://myweld.bmlink.com


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