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  • 所在区域: 浙江
  • 价格范围: 1.00元/台
  • 发布日期: 2014-12-25 03:47:59
  • 有 效 期: 长期有效
  • 供应数量: 8888
  • 玉环日亿机械有限公司
  • 联 系 人: 何汶婴(先生)
  • 电  话: 13967655592
  • 移动电话: 13967655592
  • 传  真: 
  • 地  址: 浙江省台州市玉环汽摩配园区
FBY-CC系列 精密数控单柱液压机(分体式)(FBY-CC Series of CNC single-column hydraulic press.)

根据客户需求可定做非标准压机(Non-standard press can be customized according to customer demand.)

产品特点(product feature)

1.C型机身设计,整体铸造,性能稳定,占用空间小,方便操作。(The C-body design,whole body cast,stable performance,use small space and easy to operate.)

2.采用PLC控制,在屏幕上任意设定动作速度、压力、时间、准确、精度高。(With PLC control,easy programming process control action,positioning accuracy,high precision.)

3.可选配有压力传感器,显示实际压力,可设置压力范围检测压装的产品是否合格。(Equipped with pressure sensors,displays the actual pressure,pressure range can be set to detect the product is qualifiedornot.)

4.安全设计,采用双手操作,设有急停和上下点动功能。(Safety design,using both hands to operate,with mergency stop and jog up and down function.)

5.按键与脚踏两种循环启动方式。(Key and Foot Switch two cycle start modes.)

6.控制方式可根据客户的要求做更改。(Control mode can change according to customer requirements.)

7.广泛应用于轴承、齿轮等精密零部件的压装,以及浅拉伸等。(Widely used for bearing,gears and other precision press-fit parts。)

8.红外线保护装置,压力传感器(选配类)。(Infrared protection and Pressure sensor can be configured(Optionsl).

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