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CP 30菜馅机


本机可以将各种根、茎、叶类蔬菜(胡萝卜,土豆,白菜,姜蒜等)破碎用来制作水饺馅和蔬菜饲料. 特点: 1.采用相对运动原理使蔬菜和刀相对运动,差动旋切,将蔬菜切碎成馅。 2.切刀锋利成曲线形,设计紧凑,操作简单,便于清洁和维护 3..该机采用涡轮箱传动, 噪音小,使用寿命长。 The machine can process various vegetables (carrot, potato,cabbage,garlic.ginger etc) into filling quickly.easily.The finished produs can be used for dumpling filling.vegetable feeds. Features: 1. It adopts the principle of relative motion, which can make vegetables.the cutters moving relatively, in this way, the materials are cut into stuffing easily. 2. It has the charaers of Sharp curvilinear blades, compa design, easy to maintain.clean. 3. Driven by turbine device, low noise.long lifetime. 型号 Model 产量(千克/小时) Capacity(kg/h) 外型尺寸 (毫米) Dimension(mm) 机重(千克) Weight(kg) 功率(千瓦) Power(kw) CP30 180 780*710*940 107 1.5


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